The Annual General Meeting of the NZRLS will be held on Saturday 19 October 2024 starting at 2.00pm. The venue this year is the Upper Hutt Cosmopolitan Club, Logan Street, Upper Hutt. The club is easily accessible by car and by Metlink public transport.
This year is the 80th anniversary of the founding of the NZRLS. To celebrate this milestone there will be a complimentary luncheon at the club commencing at 12.30pm. for members and volunteers prior to the AGM. In the morning of 19 October three places of railway interest in Upper Hutt will be open on for members to visit.
Full details of what is happening on the day can be found in a programme on the Members Menu of this website. The programme is titled “80th Anniversary of NZRLS: Visits, Luncheon and AGM Programme for Saturday 19 October 2024”.
Copies of all AGM papers will be in the member’s section of this website ( prior to the meeting and copies will be available for members attending at the meeting. Members who wish to receive hard copies by post of the AGM papers should contact the Secretary.
Finally, there will be elections at the AGM this year of the following officers: President, Secretary, Treasurer and four Board Directors. Nomination forms are available on application to the Secretary and completed forms should be returned as soon as possible to him.
Bruce Taylor Secretary
Email: Post: 1A North Street Petone Lower Hutt 5012