Contact Person: Sean Millar – (09) 815 3885; 0220 811 816;
Meetings: The Auckland Group meets on the third Wednesdays of February, April, June, August and October and the second Wednesday of December. Those not on a Group list are requested to contact Sean for further information.
Attendance is free of charge. Wives, partners and new and out of town members are all welcome.
Contact Person: David Cumming (Secretary) – (07) 839 7850; or Ashley Turner (Chairman) 027 446 4732
Meetings: Meetings are held on the fourth Saturday of alternative months January to November.
Meetings are held at the Staff Lounge of the Te Rapa School, 61 Ashurst Avenue, Te Rapa, Hamilton.
The membership subscription is $2 per year.
Time: 7.30 pm, members bring a plate.
Bay of Penty
Contact Person: David Kent – (07) 544 6144; 33 Gunbar Drive, Welcome Bay, RD 5, Tauranga, 3175
Meetings: Wesley Church Centre, 100 13th Avenue Tauranga
Meetings are on the third Monday of each month (February – November) at 7.30 pm. All enquiries to David Kent.
Contact Person: Murray Farquhar – 027 466-9014; 91H Turner Road, Rotorua, 3097,
Meetings: Our Rotoroua Group has recommenced monthly meetings. As a small group they can socially distance so there are no changes to meeting dates or venue. Meetings held on the 2nd Monday of each month at the Ngongotaha Rail Park Clubrooms. All enquiries to Murray.
Contact Person Stu Ingram (06) 357 5216; 12 Woburn Place, Palmerston North, 4412;
Meetings: Contact Stu for meeting venue and times.
Contact Person: Malcolm Brodie, 230 Waiohine Valley Road, Greytown –
Meetings: Meetings are held on the Fell Locomotive Museum, Featherston. Group meetings are from 1.00 pm to 4.00 pm on the 4th Tuesday of each month, February to November inclusive.
To find out more about the Wairarapa Group, contact Malcolm Brodie.
Contact Person: Len Chisholm – (04) 235-5462; PO Box 50724, Porirua 5240;
Or Chris Benson – (04) 971-8934
Meetings are normally held in the Loaves and Fishes building at St.Paul’s Cathedral, Hill Street, Wellington.
There will be a charge of $5.00 per person to cover hall, equipment and supper costs.
Meetings are on the second Mondays of March, May, July, September, November.
Supper and get together from 5.45pm for a 6.15 start.
Contact Len Chisholm for details.
Canterbury –
Contact Person for NZRLS: Colin Barry (03) 358 3681;
Contact Person for Canterbury Railway Society and for further details: Glen Anthony, (03) 942 1817 or
NZRLS Members are welcome to attend meetings of the Canterbury Railway Society; $2 supper charge please.
Meetings: are held at the Sydenham Community Centre, 25 Hutcheson Street, off Colombo Street (near Brougham Street corner) 7 pm.
South Canterbury
Contact Person: Bryan Blanchard (03) 686 2269;
Meetings of the Pleasant Point Railway and Historical Society are held at its clubrooms and cinema at Keane’s Crossing, Pleasant Point on the evening of the second Saturday of the month. Contact Bryan for details.
Contact Person: Ian Wylie (03) 455-5521
Visiting Society members to Dunedin will be welcome.
Meetings: phone first – third Tuesday of February, April, June, August. October, December.
Contact Persons: Noel Joyce – (03) 215-4324 or 027 820 3303,
or Warren Jones (03) 213-0798 or 021 661 151
Meetings are held in members homes on the fourth Sunday evening of:-
January, March, May, July, September and November.