Railway Observer Preview

The New Zealand Railway Observer : Issued Bi-monthly, ISSN 0028-8624
Issue 386 August-September 2024
Volume 82, No. 3


One of Percy Angus’ legacies to New Zealand Railways was the K Class locomotive design and the variants of that class. An article on Mr Angus is included in this issue. Mark Cole photographed K905 with Train 502, bound for New Plymouth and climbing the Westmere Bank in December 1961.

The Development of the Mechanical Section of New Zealand Railways – P R Angus

Sweet Dreams and Nightmares on Night Trains – Graham Stewart

Waicola, Linton and Waiau Valley Railway – Graeme Carter

Photographs by Brian Whebell

The Central and Southern Rail Tour – January 1957 – Bill Cowan and John L Stichbury

Zelma Reid … 100 Years and 65 years on the Railway – Paul Mahoney

Research Notes #236 – A “D” or not a “D” – That is the Question! – Graeme McClare

From the Top of the Raurimu Spiral, Down at the Station, Letters to the Editor

Book  Review

There are 25 colour photos in this issue.

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The New Zealand Railway Observer

The Railway Observer is for everyone who takes an interest in the railways and tramways of
New Zealand. Read about their fascinating present developments and past history.

We publish it:-

  • Six times a year for members of the Society and the public.
  • For everyone who takes an interest in the railways and tramways in New Zealand.
  • It is packed with information and pictures.
  • Design · Construction · Operation · Development · History
  • Mailed direct to Society members as part of the annual subscription.
  • Copies may also be purchased from the Society or ordered through your favourite hobby shop or bookshop.

Membership of the Society brings you:

  • Six issues of The New Zealand Railway Observer each year
  • The Society’s members’ newsletter “Turntable”
  • Special members’ prices for all Society publications
  • Opportunities to insert free private announcements in The New Zealand Railway Observer and Turntable
  • Opportunities to join your nearest Society Group for meetings and outings with other railfans.
  • Access to the Society’s archives of information on railways.



We welcome, for possible publication, contributed articles and notes, including photographs. Articles should not normally exceed about 4000 words, and should be supplied electronically in PC format accompanied by a hard-copy version. We will consider a modest rate of payment for material published – enquire for details. Neither the Editor nor the Society can undertake to return unsolicited contributions.


Photographs should be supplied as clear, sharp, glossy black and white or colour prints not less than 10cm x 15cm in size; or, for full colour reproduction, clear, sharp colour slides or transparencies. Digital scans should be no less than 300 dpi, preferably sent on a memory stick. The Editor reserves the right to reproduce colour slides or transparencies in monochrome. Black and white and colour prints are retained by the Society, but colour slides and transparencies are returned after use.

For more information write to

New Zealand Railway and Locomotive Society,
1A North Street, Petone
Lower Hutt, 5012, New Zealand.

Or send us an email at nzrls@actrix.co.nz