The Linesider Magazine is Staying on the Rails

The Linesider magazine and the NZ Railway & Locomotive Society are joining forces. From Issue No. 21 The Linesider will be published by NZR&LS.
“Having Linesider published by NZR&LS allows me to concentrate on editing the magazine, while the NZR&LS organisation takes care of the many back-room tasks involved in running a magazine” says Darryl Bond, Editor of The Linesider.  NZR&LS Director and Chair of Publications, Bill Prebble, is delighted; “The Linesider is a quality magazine that fills an important niche in New Zealand’s rail interest market. Linesider will retain its look and feel and maintain its content focus, just like the NZ Railway Observer will continue its content focus. We are delighted to have Darryl and The Linesider come on board.”
It is envisaged that The Linesider will have a wider bookshop footprint, with availability in book stores that have previously not stocked the magazine. “This really is an exciting move for the railfan movement in New Zealand” says Darryl. Additionally, it is planned that subscribers to Linesider will benefit from special offers from NZR&LS in the future and similarly NZR&LS members will benefit from access to The Linesider  in future.
We will update you again later as we develop our plans.

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