Subscriptions 2023/2024 Year

Members are reminded that the subscription year runs from 1 July to 30 June.

The Board has decided on the following new subscription rates and the removal of a  subscription option for the 2023/2024 year:

·         Full member (NZ): $105


·         Full member (Overseas): $125


·         Junior member (NZ and Overseas): $63


·         Family members (NZ): $10 per family


·         Magazine Circulation Groups A & B: $20 per group


·         The option of additional copies of the “Observer”, formerly available to members for $50 annually, has been removed.


Rationale for these changes

The reason for the increased subscription rates is the impact of inflation on our operations – in particular, our costs of postage and packaging have increased hugely.

The Board has the delegated authority to increase subscriptions annually by the rate of inflation as measured in the previous year. The Consumer Price Index measured on an annual basis to the end of February 2023 was up 6%. Reluctantly, the Board has decided to increase subscriptions for 2024 in line with this measure of inflation in New Zealand.

The option of additional copies of the Observer has been removed because a member exercising this option is receiving extra copies of the magazine at a greatly reduced price per copy, far below the costs of production and distribution. Instead, the Board encourages people reading the Observer to subscribe by becoming a member.


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